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Friday: Freya’s Day

Freya B&W

Freya is the the most powerful Norse Goddesses. She is a powerful warrioress that leads the Valkyries during battle; they gather the warrior dead and transport them to the Valhalla, the hall of honor in the underworld.

She is beautiful and loves beautiful things. She is rumored to have slept with  4 dwarves as payment for the necklace Brisingamen; a necklace that sparkled like the stars in the heavens when worn. She is a Goddess of Love and  a Spakona or Volva—a wise woman or sorceress.  Sex magic was a feminine Norse practice; but Freya taught Odin this seidr magic in exchange for him teaching her how to work with the runes.

This link has a lot of information about Freya if you want ro read further:


Fehu is the first rune associated with Freya—it is the very first rune of the first aett (eight); set of eight runes which is called Freya’s Aett. Fehu symbolizes mobile wealth. It is sometimes called “cattle” as the herd was the wealth of the tribe that was mobile. You can also see that coins and jewelry—especially something as splendid as Brisingamen would also be seen as mobile wealth. Not as visible are the skills in magic and knowledge of the runes are also valuable and go wherever you might travel.


Kenaz is the rune of creative power; especially that of sexual power. This certainly links to the sexy, powerful goddess that Freya is and gives a nod to the seidr magic as well. Energy is what powers magic; and sex is a great source of that energy.

So how does this connect to Friday?

I don’t know about you, but I get paid on a Friday, and my Dad and Grandfathers were always paid on a Friday. That is a transfer of mobile wealth. Workers often go out for a drink ( a common Norse pastime!) to de-stress after the work week. It is a bit like a post battle celebration; or licking our wounds after getting our butt kicked. In  high school, Friday night is game night—a civilized battle with well defined rules—and often there is a dance afterwards with the “heros” being celebrated.

Friday night is a common “date” night and a time for sexy, charged connections. Getting dressed up is part of the event—and usually the better you look; the more you spent to look that way.

So what do you do to celebrate the energy of Friday night? 

Make  it a day to pay bills, catch a local game, or de-stress with the gang. Dress up, put on your finest; and be willing to share a bit of that paycheck at a local “hot” spot. Or buy something pretty for yourself or the Goddess in your life. Tell someone that they are your hero—send a note of appreciation to someone that has really bailed you out of a jam.

I am sure there are many other ideas out there…please share a few!

Friday Blessings,
